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73 NCI-Designated Cancer Centers

NCI-Designated Cancer Centers are characterized by scientific excellence and the capability to integrate a diversity of research approaches to focus on the problem of cancer. NCI recognizes centers around the country that meet rigorous standards for transdisciplinary, state-of-the-art research focused on developing new and better approaches to preventing, diagnosing, and treating cancer.

They play a vital role in advancing towards our goal of reducing morbidity and mortality from cancer.

Click on any dot to view the cancer center profile.

cancer center map  MIT, MA The Jackson Lab, ME Cold Spring Lab, NYThe Wistar Institute, PAPerdue U., INSanford Burnham Medical, CASalk Institute, CAMt. Sinai, NYU. of Nebraska Medical Center, NEU. of OK Health Science Center, OKMedical U. of South Carolina, SCThe U. of Florida Health CC, FLU. of Miami, FLU. of Texas at San Antonio, TXU. of Hawaiʻi at Manoa, HIU. of Kentucky, KYMontefiore Einstein Comp Cancer Center, NYThomas Jefferson U, PAYale Comp Cancer Center, CTRutgers Cancer Institute, NJDartmouth Comp Cancer Center, NHDana-Farber/Harvard Comp Cancer Center, MARoswell Park Comp Cancer Center, Buffalo, NYHerbert Irving Comp Cancer Center, NY, NYMemorial Sloan Kettering Comp Cancer Center, NY, NYPerlmutter Comp Cancer Center at NYU, NY, NYFox Chase Comp Cancer Canter, PAUPenn Abramson Comp Cancer Center, PAUPMC Hillman Comp Cancer Center, Pittsburg, PAJohn Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comp Cancer Center, Baltimore, MDU. of Maryland Greenebaum Comp Cancer Center, MDGeorgetown Comp Cancer Center, DCUVA Comp Cancer Center, Charlottesville, VAVCU Massey Comp Cancer Center, Richmond, VAWake Forest Comp Cancer Center, Winston-Salem, NCDuke U. Comp Cancer Center, Durham, NCUNC Lineberger Comp Cancer Center, Chapel Hill, NCWayne State U. Karmanos Comp Cancer Center, Detroit, MIU. of Michigan Rogel Comp Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, MICase Western Comp Cancer Center, Cleveland, OHThe Ohio State U. James Comp Cancer Center, Columbus, OHSt Jude, TNVanderbilt U. TNWinship Cancer Institute of Emory U. GAO'Neal Comp Cancer Center, ALMayo Clinic Comp Cancer Center, Jacksonville, FLMoffitt Comp Cancer Center, Tampa FLUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Comp Cancer Center, Dallas TXBaylor College of Medicine Comp Cancer Center, Houston, TXU. of TX MD Anderson Comp Cancer Center, Houston, TXU. of Minnesota Masonic Comp Cancer Center, Minneapolis, MNMayo Clinic Comp Cancer Center, Rochester, MNU. of Wisconsin Carbone Comp Cancer Center, WIU. of Iowa Holden Comp Cancer Center, IAAlvin J. Siteman Barnes-Jewish Comp Cancer Center, MOThe U. of Kansas Comp Cancer Center, KSNorthwestern U. Comp Cancer Center, ILU. of Chicago Comp Cancer Center, ILIndiana U. Simon Comp Cancer Center, INU. of Utah, UTU. of Colorado Cancer Center, COU. of New Mexico Comp Cancer Center, NWMayo Clinic Comp Cancer Center, Phoenix, AZU. of Arizona, Tucson, AZFred Hutch Comp CC, WAOregon Health & Science U., Comp ORUC Davis Comp Cancer Center, Sacramento, CAUCSF Helen Diller Comp Cancer Center, San Fran, CAStanford U. Comp Cancer Center, Stanford, CACity of Hope Comp Cancer Center, Duarte, CAUC Irvine Comp Cancer Center, Orange, CAUSC Norris Comp Cancer Center, LA, CAUCLA, Jonsson Comp Cancer Center, LA, CAUC San Diego Moores Comp Cancer Center, La Jolla, CA
cancer center legend label

NCI Designates Three Types of Cancer Centers

Comprehensive Cancer Centers which demonstrate reasonable depth and breadth of their research in basic, clinical, and/or prevention, cancer control, and population science, as well as substantial transdisciplinary research that bridges these scientific areas. In addition, these centers are effective in serving their catchment area through the cancer research they support and the cancer control activities they undertake. They also integrate training and education of biomedical researchers and community health care professionals.

Clinical Cancer Centers which are focused on basic laboratory, clinical, prevention, cancer control, and population-based science. All areas of science are linked collaboratively.

Basic Laboratory Cancer Centers which are focused on basic laboratory research but often conduct preclinical translation while working collaboratively with other institutions to apply these laboratory findings to new and better cancer treatment.

OCC News

  • Congratulations to the Wilmot Cancer Institute at the University of Rochester! The NCI has designated the University of Rochester as its 73rd Cancer Center among 37 states including the District of Columbia. March 2025
  • NCI is seeking feedback through an RFI to help shape the future scope of the COE, with responses due by February 16, 2025, and welcomes questions and reasonable, concise submissions via email.
  • We are pleased to announce the official selection of Dr. Krzysztof Ptak, Ph.D., M.B.A. as the Director of the Office of Cancer Centers effectively Jan. 7, 2025
  • View more OCC News.
  • Cancer Centers Directory

    An NCI-Designated Cancer Center contact directory.
  • Funding & Policies

    Cancer Center Support Grant funding opportunities and frequently asked questions.
  • Cancer Center Identity Badges

    Access and usage information for the Cancer Center Identity Badge.
  • Benchmark Data

    Complied data derived from annual information submitted by NCI-Designated Cancer Centers.