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Benchmark Data

This section provides compiled reports derived from the annual information submitted by each NCI-Designated Cancer Center.

Unless otherwise noted, these pages contain data that were submitted in Fiscal Year 2010 to recent year. Annual project periods differ from center to center, therefore the exact 12-month timeframe for reporting may vary as well.

If you have questions about these reports, send an email to our Computer Systems Analyst.

  • Leadership, Programs, Membership, and Shared Resources

    Data Table 1 contains information reported by centers on the number of research programs, shared resources, and center members.

  • Active Funded Projects

    Data Table 2 lists all active cancer-related projects in each cancer center.

  • Newly Registered Patients 

    Data Table 3 provides cancer registry data regarding the numbers of patients newly registered at the cancer center.

  • Clinical Research Studies

    Data Table 4 displays center-reported patient accrual to clinical research studies by study source, clinical research category, phase, and primary purpose.

Last Updated
May 17, 2024