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Leadership, Programs, Membership, and Shared Resources: Data Table 1

All values are derived from data submitted annually by centers, starting from 2010 up to the most recent year.

The table below is the compilation of Data Tables 1A, 1B, and 1C data. It lists, by type of center, the current high, low, and median number of Senior Leaders, research programs, shared resources, and overall membership size. It also includes subtotals and a total for all centers. 

Last Updated
June 5, 2024
Type of Center Range No. of Sr. Leaders No. of Research Programs No. of Shared Resources No. of Members
7 Basic Centers High 11 3 10 46
Low 2 1 5 1
Median 5 3 8 14
Subtotal 40 18 53 355
9 Clinical Centers High 13 4 8 103
Low 7 2 4 0
Median 9 3 6 42
Subtotal 65 22 44 1,063
56 Comp Centers High 22 18 19 1,058
Low 6 3 6 0
Median 11 5 10 43
Subtotal 615 325 585 17,563
Total 720 365 682 18,981