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City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center

Founded in 1913, City of Hope began focusing on cancer research and treatment in the late 1940s. Receiving its NCI designation in 1981 and its designation as a comprehensive cancer center in 1998, City of Hope is today a biomedical research, treatment, and education center.

The Center’s more than 200 physicians and scientists are dedicated to developing innovative, disease-fighting strategies in the battle against cancer. In this multidisciplinary, interactive environment, basic, clinical, translational, and prevention and control scientists work closely together. Their work is a continuum, starting with research on the biomedical mechanisms of cancer genesis and progression, moving on to the development of new therapies, testing those treatments in clinical trials, and, finally, delivering the best in patient care and providing support and education to patients, their families, and the public. That work contributes to further understanding of cancer risk assessment and prevention. Examples of the basic research findings developed at City of Hope are recombinant DNA technology and monoclonal antibodies and these discoveries were then applied to therapy.

Read more about the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center.


Beckman Research Institute

John D. Carpten, PhD
1500 East Duarte Road
Duarte, CA 1010-3000
(626) 471-7330
Ashley Baker Lee
Associate Director for Administration

Research Programs

Research Program Program Leaders
Cancer Control and Population Sciences Susan Neuhausen, PhD; Virginia Sun, PhD, MSN, RN
Cancer Immunotherapeutics Peter Lee, MD; Hua Yu, PhD
Developmental Cancer Therapeutics Miguel Villalona-Calero, MD; Sunil Sharma, MD, FACP, MBA
Hematologic Malignancies Stephen Forman, MD; Guido Marcucci, MD
Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer Binghui Shen, PhD; Charles Brenner, PhD

Shared Resources

Category Resource Directors
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Analytical Cytometry Jeremy Stark, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Analytical Pharmacology Timothy Synold, PharmD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Drug Discovery and Structural Biology John Williams, PhD; David Horne, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Integrated Mass Spectrometry Patrick Pirrotte, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Integrative Genomics Xiwei Wu, PhD; Jonathan Keats, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Light Microscopy and Digital Imaging Brian Armstrong, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Research Pathology Stanley Hamilton, MD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Small Animal Studies Anna Wu, PhD; Jun Wu, PhD
Cat 4: Clinical Research GMP Manufacturing David Horne, PhD; Taby Ahsan, PhD
Cat 6: Biostatistics Biostatistics and Mathematical Oncology Joycelynne Palmer, PhD; Russell Rockne, PhD
Cat 8: Miscellaneous Population Facing Research Victoria Seewaldt, MD
Last Updated
December 2, 2024