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Mayo Clinic Cancer Center

Mayo Clinic Cancer Center was one of the first cancer centers to receive the NCI designation, in 1973. It became the only NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center with three geographic sites in 2003, with facilities in Arizona, Florida, and Minnesota.

Mayo Clinic's culture of collaboration and teamwork speeds the transformation of promising laboratory discoveries into lifesaving treatments for patients with cancer. Because of this research, more than 100,000 cancer patients come to Mayo Clinic Cancer Center each year seeking medical answers.

Read more about the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center. 

Mayo Clinic

Cheryl L. Willman, MD
200 First Street, S.W
Rochester, MN 55905
(507) 266-4997
Jolene Bolster
Associate Director for Administration

Research Programs

Research Program Program Leaders
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Haidong Dong, MD, PhD; Keith Knutson, PhD; Virginia Shapiro, PhD
Cell Biology Panagiotis Anastasiadis, PhD; Mark McNiven, PhD
Experimental Therapeutics Scott Kaufmann, MD, PhD; Zhenkun Lou, PhD
Gastrointestinal Cancer Tanios Bekaii-Saab, MD; Martin Fernandez-Zapico, MD
Gene and Virus Therapy Mitesh Borad, MD; Richard Vile, PhD
Hematologic Malignancies Stephen Ansell, MD, PhD; Leif Bergsagel, MD; Asher Chanan-Khan, MD
Neuro-oncology Steven Rosenfeld, MD, PhD; Jann Sarkaria, MD; Nhan Tran, PhD
Population Sciences James Cerhan, MD, PhD; Kathryn Ruddy, MD; Mark Sherman, MD; Ping Yang, MD, PhD
Women's Cancer Jamie Bakkum-Gamez, MD; Amy Degnim, MD; Matthew Goetz, MD

Shared Resources

Category Resource Directors
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Cytogenetics Patricia Greipp, DO
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Genome Analysis Eric Wieben, PhD; Julie Cunningham, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Microscopy and Cell Analysis Jeffrey Salisbury, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Pharmacology Joel Reid, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Proteomics Akhilesh Pandey, MD, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Transgenic and Knockout Core Darren Baker, PhD, MS
Cat 3: Epidemiology, Cancer Control Survey Research Center Kathleen Yost, PhD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Biospecimens Accessioning and Processing Mine Cicek, PhD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Gene and Virus Therapy Autumn Schulze, PhD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Pathology Research Core Thomas Flotte, MD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Pharmacy Heidi Finnes, PharmD, RPh
Cat 6: Biostatistics Biostatistics Qian Shi, PhD; Amylou Dueck, PhD
Cat 7: Informatics Bioinformatics Jean-Pierre Kocher, PhD
Last Updated
June 5, 2024