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Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center

Since its opening in 1973, the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University has led the world in deciphering the mechanisms of cancer and new ways to treat it. The strength of the center’s research and treatment programs was recognized early by NCI, who designated it as one of the first comprehensive cancer centers and recognizes it as a Center of Excellence.

The center partnered with Allegheny Health Network in 2014. This collaboration fosters clinical accomplishments, medical education, and a broad range of cancer research initiatives. 

The Kimmel Cancer Center’s goals are to:

  • decrease cancer incidence and deaths and improve the quality of life for those who have cancer,

  • excel in cutting-edge basic, translational, and clinical research and in the application of fundamental knowledge to prevent and cure cancer and to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer,

  • safely and compassionately provide the full range of evidence-based, preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, supportive, and patient-focused services to cancer patients and their families, and

  • lead cancer education of health professionals, scientists, patients and their families, and the community at large.

Read more about the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center. 

Johns Hopkins University

William G. Nelson, MD, PhD
401 North Broadway
The Weinberg Building, Suite 1100
Baltimore, MD 21231
(410) 955-8822
Rosalie Russell
Associate Director of Administration

Research Programs

Research Program Program Leaders
Cancer Chemical and Structural Biology James Berger, PhD; Marikki Laiho, MD, PhD; Jun Liu, PhD
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics Nilofer Azad, MD; Victor Velculescu, MD, PhD; Stephen Baylin, MD
Cancer Immunology Erika Pearce, PhD; Julie Brahmer, MD; Drew Pardoll, MD, PhD
Cancer Invasion and Metastasis Andrew Ewald, PhD; Ashani Weeraratna, PhD; Laura Wood, MD, PhD
Cancer Molecular and Functional Imaging Zaver Bhujwalla, MSc, PhD; Martin Pomper, MD, PhD
Cancer Prevention and Control Richard Roden, PhD; Alison Klein, MHS, PhD; Elizabeth Platz, ScD, MPH
Hematologic Malignancies and BMT Richard Ambinder, MD, PhD; Richard Jones, MD

Shared Resources

Category Resource Directors
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Cancer Functional Imaging Dmitri Artemov, PhD; Zaver Bhujwalla, MSc, PhD; Martin Pomper, MD, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Exp and Compl Genomics Leslie Cope, PhD; Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian, MD, PhD; Kornel Schuebel, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Experimental Irradiators Marikki Laiho, MD, PhD; Mohammad Rezaee, PhD, MSc, BSc
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Flow Cytometry and Technology Development Won Jin Ho, MD; Franck Housseau, PhD; M Lemas, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Mass Spectrometry Molecular Imaging and Multi-Omics Robert Cole, PhD; Kristine Glunde, MS, PhD; Edward Pearce, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Oncology Tissue and Imaging Services Robert Anders, MD, PhD; Fred Bunz, MD, PhD; Alan Meeker, MAT, PhD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Analytical Pharmacology Michelle Rudek, PhD, PharmD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Image Response Assessment and Biopsy Services Team Steven Rowe, MD; Lilja Solnes, MD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Rapid Autopsy Angelo De Marzo, MD; Avi Rosenberg, MD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Research Pharmacy Michael Carducci, MD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Translational Research Central Services Core M. Victor Lemas, PhD
Cat 6: Biostatistics Biostatistics Hao Wang, PhD
Last Updated
August 6, 2024