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Stanford Cancer Institute

The Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) became an NCI Designated Cancer Center in 2007, and a Comprehensive Cancer Center in 2016. The Stanford Cancer Institute is located in the heart of Silicon Valley in California, and its mission is to reduce cancer mortality through comprehensive programs of cancer research, treatment, education, and outreach. Stanford has a long tradition of innovation in cancer research and translational medicine.

By leveraging the expertise of nearly 500 physicians and researchers, the SCI harnesses the vast intellectual and scientific resources of Stanford University, Stanford Health Care, and Stanford Children’s Health to advance the understanding of cancer and rapidly translate those research discoveries into improved prevention strategies, novel diagnostics, and safer, more effective therapies. Stanford’s cancer treatment programs combine new advances in precision medicine with compassionate care and supportive services.

Read more about the Stanford Cancer Institute. 

Stanford University

Steven Artandi, MD, PhD
Lokey Research Building MC 5456
265 Campus Drive, Suite G2103
Stanford, CA 94305-5796
(650) 736-1808  
Laura Adams
SCI Associate Director for Administration and Strategy

Research Programs

Research Program Program Leaders
Cancer Biology and Cancer Stem Cells Laura Attardi, PhD; Roeland Nusse, PhD
Cancer Imaging and Early Detection Heike Daldrup-Link, MD, PhD; Daniel Rubin, MD, MS
Cancer Immunotherapy Crystal Mackall, MD; Edgar Engleman, MD
Cancer Therapeutics Nathanael Gray, PhD; James Ford, MD
Hematologic Malignancies Ronald Levy, MD; Ravindra Majeti, MD, PhD
Population Sciences Esther John, PhD, MSPH; Allison Kurian, MD, MSc; Marcia Stefanick, PhD
Radiation Biology Quynh-Thu Le, MD; Maximilian Diehn, MD, PhD

Shared Resources

Category Resource Directors
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Animal Tumor Model Vittorio Sebastiano, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Bioscience Screening David Solow-Cordero, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Cancer Imaging Frezghi Habte, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Cell Sciences Imaging Jonathan Mulholland, MA
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Flow Cytometry Lisa Nichols, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Genomics John Coller, PhD; Michael Eckart, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Human Immune Monitoring Holden Maecker, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Proteomics Allis Chien, PhD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Tissue Procurement Brooke Howitt, MD
Cat 6: Biostatistics Biostatistics Manisha Desai, PhD; Ying Lu, PhD
Cat 7: Informatics Biomedical Informatics Daniel Rubin, MD, MS
Last Updated
August 27, 2024