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UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center

In the late 1960s, a group of scientists, clinicians, and volunteers at UCLA came together to develop a cancer center that would become renowned for excellence in research, education, and patient care. Today, the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (UCLA Health JCCC) is a global leader in cancer research, education, and clinical care with a mission to accelerate discoveries to prevent and cure cancer.

The UCLA Health JCCC is one of only 57 National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the nation, attaining the founders’ aspiration with the highest designation possible from the NCI. The NCI recognizes comprehensive cancer centers from around the country that meet rigorous standards for transdisciplinary, state-of-the-art research focused on developing new and better approaches to preventing, diagnosing, and treating cancer for the communities these centers serve. The UCLA Health JCCC has held this important designation since 1976.

Read more about the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center

University of California at Los Angeles

Michael A. Teitell, MD, PhD
8-684 Factor Building,
10833 Le Conte Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1781
(310) 825-5268
Melissa Neligan, MPH, CRA
Chief Administrative Officer
Roshan Bastani, PhD
Director, Disparities and Community Engagement
Maie St. John, MD, PhD
Associate Director for Education, Training & Mentoring
Amy Cummings, MD, PhD
Director of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Research Programs

Research Program Program Leaders
Cancer and Stem Cell Biology Gay Crooks, MBBS; Brigitte Gomperts, MD
Cancer Control and Survivorship Patricia Ganz, MD; Roshan Bastani, PhD; Beth Glenn, PhD
Cancer Molecular Imaging, Nanotechnology and Theranostics Johannes Czernin, MD; Caius Radu, MD; Jeffrey Zink, PhD
Epigenomics, RNA and Gene Regulation Michael Carey, PhD; Siavash Kurdistani, MD, PhD
Signal Transduction and Therapeutics Richard Finn, MD; Edward Garon, MD
Tumor Immunology Antoni Ribas, MD, PhD; Yvonne Chen, PhD

Shared Resources

Category Resource Directors
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Zoran Galic, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Genomics Shared Resource Xinmin Li, PhD; Hyun Ju Lim, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Molecular Screening Shared Resource Robert Damoiseaux, PhD
Cat 1: Laboratory Science Small Animal Imaging Shared Resource Arion Chatziioannou, PhD; Shili Xu, PhD
Cat 4: Clinical Research Translational Pathology Core Laboratory Shared Resource Samuel French, MD, PhD; Dawn Ward, MD; Sepehr Hamidi, MD
Cat 6: Biostatistics Biostatistics, Analytical Support and Evaluation Shared Resource Gang Li, PhD; David Elashoff, PhD
Last Updated
June 27, 2024